By Don C. Reed
In a few short days I and millions of Americans will vote for Kamala Harris as President of the United States.
I want to mark that historic vote in memory: three ways.
First, after my vote is safely completed and turned in, I will take one of the “vote-by-mail” information sheets, and frame it. Second, I will make one more small donation to the “Harris for President” campaign, (thinking about four years from now, when hopefully she will run again) — — and third?
I will “dedicate” this vote to the memory of my father, Dr. Charles H. Reed, who died last month at a hundred and one.
On what would be our last visit, we talked a lot; well, I did most of the talking; I did not want him to pass away with anything important left unsaid. I told him f memories of our lives together — of a playhouse he had built for my sister and me; a picture story he wrote, “Oscar the Octopus”, and his recent reading of the Bible all the way through — in French, one of ten languages he spoke. I updated him on the adventures of his great-grandchildren — — anything to bring a smile, or show appreciation for a life well-lived.
His eyes were closed; I babbled on.
I reminded him of the time I almost died, in Desolation Valley, California.
I was eight, and we were taking a shortcut home, across the face of a cliff.
Our backs to the wall of rock, we shuffled slowly along a narrow ledge, while I tried not to look down. But pebbles slipped from under my shoes. I lost my balance, teetered, wobbled —
His forearm thumped against my chest, pushing me back against the cliff.
“You saved my life”, I reminded him. He smiled.
Less than 100 days, we will be in a position to save many lives.
We will, I trust, give our votes to someone working to ease global warming — versus someone who does not believe there is a problem.
Former President Trump refers to global temperature rise as “a Chinese hoax”. Apparently he has not noticed the fires devouring the California Coast, nor the floods and super-storms, ravaging the Mid-West, hurricanes in Florida- — and the grim realities of Arizona drought, an expanding desert.
As for vice President Harris, she knows global warming is all too real. She will continue her efforts to literally protect the planet, building on the efforts of Joe Biden, America’s most pro-environment President.
The good they did will live on — when we elect Ms. Harris for President!
All too quickly, our time together passed.
And when at last I had told every story I could think of (and a couple I said twice), my father said he was tired now, and I should go.
We hugged and said goodbye.
And in the night, probably while I was on the long drive home, he passed away.
So when I check that little box — selecting Kamala Harris for President — my vote is also to symbolically honor my father’s memory.
Here’s to you, Dad: Dr. Charles H. Reed, international man, Superintendent of Schools, strong believer in your faith. You lived a full life, working around the world with the state department.
I treasure the book you wrote in English and Vietnamese, a dictionary of education terms.
I am also proud that you played your last game of tennis at the age of 100, after which they retired your racket, and named the court after you — “Charley’s Court!”
To all who read this now — be sure to vote! And perhaps, when you do, spare a thought for someone special, whom you carry in your heart.
All best,
Don C. Reed