Don Reed
5 min readApr 9, 2020

HOW WE WILL WIN: Parkinson’s People Know How To Fight

By Don C. Reed

I have always believed that people with Parkinson’s disease are the toughest advocacy fighters of them all — because their condition is progressive, which means it gets worse — and so, whether they have Parkinson’s themselves, or love someone who does, they will fight.

And if we can get just a little response from people with that Parkinson’s attitude in the next three days

Let me explain. California is trying for another $5.5 billion dollars in research funding, but first we must get on the ballot.

This is a terrible time to gather signatures. We can’t go outside to do it — no professional signature gatherers, no rallies either — but we are not surrendering.

Here is a Parkinson’s advocate speaking, on what we must do right away.

Here is what she did, but first, why

“I have been a widow since October 9, 2017, when my husband passed away. He had Parkinson’s disease for 25 years: diagnosed at 44 and passed away at 69…As his disease progressed, he had a fall with a head injury…after which his Parkinson’s became much worse. He had a very difficult journey the last year of his life. That is the reason I support Parkinson’s research… the stem cell research is one more tool in the toolbox to help people with Parkinson’s and many other diseases… One day, others may not have to go through the difficulties my husband experienced…”

— Diane M.

Now, here is what she DID.

“I did only get 5 signatures on two signature pages, and a promise from one more person who she would print it and mail it.”

Five signatures, maybe six — doesn’t sound like much, does it?

But it could be victory.

Because what if we come up five signatures short? Can you imagine how miserable that would be?

We must win! Too many losses in our lives recently, too much agony.

For me personally, at 10:27 AM, April 7, just a few days ago, my wife Gloria died of pancreatic cancer. She had been through much agony; there was finally no alternative except to manage her pain with morphine.

Gradually she lost the ability to speak, though she could recognize her loved ones, almost to the very end. Our son sent her an audio of him singing, and she knew it was him; our daughter was with her when it really counted; and I held my wife’s hand as she slipped away.

One of the last things Gloria said to me was: “The stem cell research should go on. Nobody should have to suffer like this.”

I hate cancer, and Parkinson’s , and every chronic disease.

We fight so other people just like us — or our loved ones — can live without pain.

That is what the citizen initiative Proposition 71, the Stem Cell Research and Cures Act of 2004 (written and led by Bob Klein) is all about. Since 2004, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine has helped fund scientists in their battle against chronic disease.

What has the program accomplished? Just to name a few of its deeds:

Today, 50 little children who once had the “bubble baby” disease — Severe Combined Immune Disorder, or SCID, typically fatal — are now well.

A young man, Brenden Whittaker, is on his way to becoming a doctor — instead of living in the hospital and dying of granulomatous disease.

Numerous paralyzed young people have recovered the use of their upper bodies.

A blind young woman has seen her twins — for the first time.

And more than 80 human trials are underway (or completed) building therapies for vicious conditions, like heart disease, cancer, and leukemia.

That is the purpose of CIRM, (technically the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine), to bring cures where there are none: to answer unmet medical needs.

But now, CIRM’s funding is gone.

California should renew that funding. A measure to do that will hopefully be on the November ballot — $5.5 billion in new funding.

Here is the bill itself:

If I were to speak before your college’s alumnae group, those public-spirited citizens who work night and day to raise funds for your university, I would say… CIRM has been a terrific source of grants for the scientists.

Support the renewal of CIRM! If we get enough ballot signatures, there will be a renewal of $5.5 billion (with a B!) on the November ballot.

Just turning on the TV highlights the problem — COVID 19 is killing thousands of people in America every day — and across the world.

The California program is an army against this and all chronic diseases. Even now, when their funding has almost run out, they still managed to scrape together another $5 million to tackle various aspects of COVID-19 on a beginning basis. But much more is needed.

Do you support stem cell research and gene therapy?

If so, this is your chance to make a real difference — do not let our program die!

We need to renew CIRM, recharging it with an additional $5.5 billion

You can help make it happen in three big ways:

1. Endorse it! For an easy, one-step endorsement form, go to:

2. From the safety of your own home, help gather a last few signatures.We are still gathering signatures, electronically! Every signature is useful, even just one, and we need yours, your family, and friends. Have you signed yet? If not, please do — we will win by one signature at a time. We must get more, in case some of the signatures are disqualified for not being filled out correctly.

Want to help? Contact Melissa King!

Or — go directly to:

3. And our third request? Talk it up! Discuss the renewal of CIRM with your friends. Add comments at the bottom of web articles. Important: write a letter to the editor of your local California paper — even if they do not run it, the editors will read it — and educating the editors is vital! They must know we care!

Support the renewal of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. If we can get it on the ballot, and gain a majority vote, the world changes.

CIRM will fight against COVID-19 with organized power: mobilizing to attack this vile condition. The California Stem Cell Research, Treatments, and Cures Initiative of 2020 is what we need.

Science is how we will beat this thing: so let’s do it.

Want more information, including an easy message box for info? Go to:

And thank you, very much.

Don C. Reed is the author of three books on the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, including the just-released “REVOLUTIONARY THERAPIES: How the California Stem Cell Program Saved Lives, Eased Suffering and Changed the Face of Medicine Forever”, from World Scientific, available from Amazon.

Don Reed
Don Reed

Written by Don Reed

For 23 years, Don C. Reed has supported medical research, ever since his son Roman Reed was paralyzed in a college football accident.

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